We engaged in an aggressive B2B awareness + trust building campaign.

The pharmaceutical sector is highly competitive. With generic prescription drugs accounting for nearly 65% of all profits, that means the buying and selling of these medications is big business across the globe. The difference between branded and ‘generic pharma’ can mean the (very big) difference between profit and loss on every businesses spreadsheet.
Profitable generics also help to level the playing field for any independent reseller competing with ‘big-box’ suppliers who generate cutthroat pricing deals with the larger distributors. Ordergenerics keeps every player – big or small – in the game.

We engaged in an aggressive b2b awareness + trust-building campaign targeting independent pharmacists and buying groups, introducing them to an industry-specific e-commerce portal designed for spot-market purchasing on all generics and short-dated drugs – a “just in time” scenario. This unprecedented platform returned a competitive edge to any buyer with competitive, real time pricing at their fingertips.
We streamlined the website’s design, making it easy to see, use and understand the unique platform – we took a complex idea and made the process understandable, seamless and foolproof for the industry. Search, compare, purchase and save –with each online bid/buy transaction taking less than 3 minutes (on avg.), these timely, strategic purchases mean pure profit for those in the know…
Achieving tremendous social media success early, as the voice of the client in this industry, we were identified as a Top 5 international influencer on both Twitter and LinkedIn platforms.