LaVida Massage
LaVida Massage is a leading provider of therapeutic massage and skincare services across the US and Canada. With a breadth of affordable, convenient services at the core of the Corp.’s business model, taking care of oneself never felt quite so good…LaVida Massage caters to busy, active lifestyles of every age, providing a full range of health & wellness-focused services in attractive, gender-neutral Centers. LaVida Massage Franchise Corp. continues to thrive and grow as more Americans actively seek the tangible benefits of customized, therapeutic massage in their healthy lifestyles.

We were originally brought on board to assist with promoting LaVida Massage Franchise Corporation – to help generate more buzz about this affordable business opportunity in the competitive world of franchising. In a few short months, the scale of our work grew as we assumed responsibility for not only promoting the Corp., but also helping launch each local franchise Center.
In addition, we create and develop graphics for print ads, e-blasts, all social content creation + scheduling, all copy + content for the new website and subdomains, and even LaVida Massage’s promotional calendar, coordination of media buying and new outreach tactics for the brand! All of that content is subsequently customized on a “per Center” basis and shared across the entire LaVida Network.
Our strategy is simple – make the strongest case for “Why LaVida Massage?” on every front—and the proof is in the continuous results! You see LaVida all over the media with great press placements. As a result of our ongoing success, LaVida Massage Corporation’s aggressive growth trajectory opens a new Franchise location across the US and Canada on average of every thirty days! It is timely, fresh and uniquely accessible to everyone. Prospective franchisees are positively struck and influenced by all of it – the consistency of our materials makes the brand both appealing, unique and thus very memorable – and that helps support a strong case for investing in a LaVida Massage franchise as well as becoming a recipient of therapeutic massage at a nearby Center!