Bella-Dura Super Fabrics
Web design + Content Planning for over 6 years

Imagine a World…where you don’t have to choose between performance & the environment when buying beautiful textiles? Bold patterns, saturated colors and rich textures for every environment – Indoor & Out! Hospitality, Healthcare, Casual Outdoor and Residential customers never need to sacrifice performance or style ever again. Bella-Dura Fabrics deliver. At the end of a long and useful life cycle, Bella-Dura can be recycled and the materials can be easily repurposed for other useful consumer products. Beautiful. Durable. Sustainable. Back to Earth.

As Bella-Dura’s exclusive agency for over 6 years, we work closely with the internal marketing team on every initiative for this performance textile brand—and all of that information, website, content, planning + execution is disseminated throughout their entire network of distributors, retailers, consumers and end-users. Our goal was to create push & pull marketing strategies to make the most meaningful and long-lasting impressions on customers (and the customer’s customers!) From the strategic development of an aggressive PR + Social campaign in concert with the development of all creative, we have helped to make Bella-Dura a recognized brand and textile solution across multiple markets!

Bella-Dura is a product that is near and dear to all of us – and it delivers on the promise of a better world – all gain without sacrifice, a very appealing idea for a product and a brand statement. In positioning Bella-Dura Fabrics (BD), we are always mindful of our goal – educate without intimidating in a fickle market that thrives on beauty, style performance & product innovation.